Two cultures; one conclusion.

Being orange, I can’t help but think of crazy side-ventures and businesses I would love to start/be involved in.  One idea I’ve been kicking around is to work as a dating consultant.  Not quite the millionaire matchmaker style (although I do have one successful marriage under my belt), but the what to do while dating/in a relationship part.  Being a serial monogamist I believe I have the experience and insights to make this work…   Also, I often think about what makes a successful relationship.  Mostly because 1) I would like to be successful in my relationship (I ❤ R), and 2) I actually think this stuff is interesting.

The other night I was chatting with a few of my classmates and we started discussing arranged marriages and western-style dating.  My classmate S, had just returned from a vacation celebrating one year of marriage – and as we found out, an arranged marriage.  Contemplating the idea, I stated how much committment it must take to jump headfirst into a marriage.  S responded:

As long as you head into the marriage and you both know that both sides will have to compromise, then the marriage will be a success.

After years of dating/realtonships I have come to the same conclusion – but it was interesting to hear it as the starting point to a relationship.  Just as we learn from different perspectives in the workplace, we can learn from different perspectives in life.

How could you benefit by looking at things differently?

About skallerk

I'm just a person trying to make it through the world and have a darn good time doing it. I enjoy my job working as a trainer in an employee development department and I'm working on a few degrees. Work and school will often be starting points for my posts - but, I live for variety and my passions are boundless. Customer service, leadership, generation y, Colorado, food, friends, family, work and life. I'll write about them all. Feel free to suggest topics or let me know what you think. Hopefully I can entertain, teach, and learn.
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